• Should You Drink Coffee Daily?

    The experts now agree that coffee is good for us, as long as it is drunk in moderation. Four espressos a day is fine, apparently. Just as well for Italians, who thrive on the stuff!

    It seems that coffee protects our livers from cirrhosis as well as improving our blood circulation. It can also help protect us from certain cancers, particularly those of the prostate, the pancreas, and the bladder, to name just a few.

    It also protects our teeth from decay and it is a wonderful source of antioxidants which protect us from the free radicals in our bodies that can cause cancer. Of course, we also get antioxidants from fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as other foods, but coffee contains 600 times the antioxidants than fruit.

    Antioxidants can delay the aging process, giving our skin its youthful elasticity. They can help combat wrinkles and the crows feet that form around the eyes as we age.

    Science has found that if you drink between 3 and 5 cups of coffee a day, it can protect you from developing dementia, Parkinson's disease and that all being so, it can also help you live longer.

    coffee can also combat depression and so it can cut the risk of suicide. Of course, it would be best if you drink black coffee without sugar. Sugar certainly isn't good for us. If only we could wean ourselves off it, we'd be much healthier.

    Coffee has a part to play in the Mediterranean diet, as people who live in the Mediterranean area tend to drink a lot of coffee. They don't usually have milk in their coffee, think about Greek coffee, for example. Recent research studies have shown that dairy products are bad for us. Milk deprives our bones of calcium, and cheese and milk have both been linked to risks of prostate cancer. The advertisers have done a great job in persuading us that milk is good for us. It isn't! Also, children of both sexes can develop acne from consuming dairy products.

    Naturally, everyone reacts differently to coffee. Some people experience panic attacks, anxiety, insomnia, disturbed sleep, and headaches because of their caffeine intake.

    The brew certainly improves mental alertness, which is why a lot of people drink a cup of coffee just after they wake up in the morning. Just the smell of freshly brewed coffee usually makes us feel better and more awake.

    So let's carry on drinking coffee, secure in the knowledge that it's good for us, as long as we don't put sugar and milk in it.























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  • Fun Facts About Coffee

    Fun Facts About Coffee

    you either love coffee or hate it. Some people prefer tea. However, coffee is the second most traded commodity in the world. Oil is the first.

    Coffee plants can only grow in countries which don't have any frost in winter. That's why coffee is grown close to the equator, between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.

    Only two varieties of coffee beans are cultivated, the Arabica and Robusta.

    Coffee has not always been a drink. When it was first discovered in Africa, people ground the coffee cherries (berries), added animal fat, and made balls of the mixture which they ate. These may have been the world's first energy snacks.

    After coffee has been decaffeinated, some coffee manufacturers sell the caffeine to pharmaceutical companies and companies that make soda. So not much is wasted

    We've had instant coffee for around 250 years, although it wasn't mass- produced as it is now. It was first introduced in the UK in 1771. The first mass-produced instant coffee was patented in the US at the beginning of the 20th century, in 1910 to be precise.

    The Finns are the world's most prolific coffee drinkers, not the Americans as you might have thought!

    There are plans afoot to make biodiesel with coffee grounds, so in the future, coffee might fuel your car.

    It is possible that if you give your cat liquid coffee every day, it could extend its life. Why do people think this? Well, according to the Guinness Book of Records, the oldest cat, called Creme Puff, drank coffee every morning. She reportedly also liked broccoli. and her breakfast eggs and bacon. She lived to be 38. Her owner also had another cat, Grandpa Rex Allen. It was this cat that had previously held the world record for the world's oldest cat. They had the same diet. Maybe it was the coffee that helped these two cats live so long.

    In the 17th century, when men frequented coffee shops, especially in London, women believed that it was responsible for turning their husbands into corpses, who were useless to them. These women got up a petition against coffee proposing that no men under should drink it. The proposed ban obviously did not come into effect.

    In fact, there have been other attempts to ban the drink, and it was banned in Sweden in 1746. Not only was the beverage banned, but also the coffee-making equipment and this included coffee cups and saucers, not just the pots to make it in.

    Coffee has had a chequered history, but thankfully it is readily available























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  • Greek Coffee Plays Its Part In The Healthy Mediterranean Diet

    Greek coffee and Turkish coffee are the same. Both are traditionally brewed over a flame. In Greece, households have small camping gas canisters and the coffee is made in a metal container with a long handle. You have to be patient when making this type of coffee. It's necessary to watch it carefully so that it doesn't boil over. The trick is to whisk the coffee from the flame just before it does. Then you have to lower the heat and return the coffee to the flame. Let it simmer and remove it again just before it boils over. It is served in small cups and the sediment is left in the bottom - unless you enjoy eating coffee grounds, that is. Sugar is added to the pot with the coffee and stirred into it.

    Greeks can spend hours in a cafe with just one coffee. You don't add milk to this type of coffee. It's thought that boiled Greek coffee can boost the metabolism and

    Some scientists believe that a daily cup of Greek coffee is the secret to a long life. Greek coffee is full of polyphenols and antioxidants and only has a moderate amount of caffeine in it compared to other types of coffee. Of course, the food plays its part in the healthy Mediterranean diet too.

    The Mediterranean diet is one of the healthiest in the world, with olive oil used in cooking and in salads. A lot of Greeks grow olives and have them pressed for them, so many families have their own supply of virgin or extra virgin olive oil. Olives are also integral to the Greek diet and are even on the breakfast table.

    Most people eat fresh fruit and vegetables every day, and these are thoroughly washed and cleaned so that herbicides and pesticides are more or less eliminated. Many people, especially those who live in villages grow their own produce and use natural fertilizer excreted by their animals. The Greek diet is a very healthy one.






















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  • Should You Eat Coffee Grounds?

    Should You Eat Coffee Grounds?

    You may find the thought of eating coffee grounds unpalatable, but they are full of antioxidants also called dietary phenolic compounds. These compounds promote heart health, perhaps more so than drinking coffee.

    Antioxidants combat free radicals in the body which can cause cancer. They also help to protect our skin from the aging process.

    Antioxidants can be found in many fresh foods. For example, spinach, beets, red cabbage, artichokes, kale, raspberries, strawberries, and pecans. Even dark chocolate is a source of antioxidants. In fact, it contains more antioxidants than blueberries and raspberries. If you eat cocoa-rich products such as dark chocolate, they can lower your blood pressure.

    Coffee grounds are also useful for other things, so don't waste them. If you really don't think you could eat them (and why should you?) there are many things that you can do with them.

    In the garden, coffee grounds are an excellent bug repellent, and nutritious for plants like roses. They are also a fertilizer and you can add wood ash or lime to the grounds to make a really good fertilizer. If you have a compost heap, add your coffee grounds to it because they are rich in nitrogen. It seems that worms are attracted to the grounds and so the soil in your garden will benefit from their activity.

    Did you know that carrots just adore coffee grounds? If you mix your coffee grounds with your carrot seeds, you'll boost their growth. You'll get bigger and better carrots than ever before.

    You can use the grounds in the house too. They absorb smells, so if you put some in an open container, they will neutralize food smells in your fridge and freezer. You can happily leave the container for a few weeks and the grounds will continue to work their magic.

    The grounds are abrasive, so if you have stubborn stains on your kitchen counters, you can sprinkle some grounds onto a cleaning cloth (preferably an old one) you can scrub the counters without damaging them. You can also use them to clean dishes which have food stains that are tough to shift.

    If you make your own candles, you can add the grounds to the wax and make coffee-scented candles.

    You can even use coffee grounds to exfoliate your skin or make a facial with them. If you add the grounds to warm water and add a natural oil, you will have an excellent exfoliator. For a facial mix, try mixing 2 tablespoons of grounds to the same quantity of cocoa powder, a tablespoon of honey and 3 tablespoons of heavy cream or whole milk.





















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  • Who Should Be Drinking Coffee?

    Scientists have long believed that coffee is beneficial to our health. It helps our heart function normally and now scientists believe that we should drink four shots of espresso per day or cups of coffee containing equivalent amounts of caffeine. This idea was put forward by a group of German researchers who found that coffee affects the cells in our blood vessels, making them perform as though they were younger than they are. Older adults can this benefit from the stimulus that coffee provides to their cells.

    The results of two major studies of coffee drinkers, one carried out in the US by the National Institutes of Health studied more than 400,000 people and the other conducted in Europe studied 521,330 people. Both found that people who drink coffee are less likely to die from heart disease. This particular finding debunks the old myth that people with heart problems shouldn't drink coffee.

    Coffee drinkers have a lower risk of cirrhosis of the liver, a lower risk of developing some cancers, a lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and are less likely to suffer from depression than people who don't drink the brew.

    But what if you don't like the taste of coffee? Green tea might be the answer to this question as it contains similar amounts of caffeine.

    A word of warning though before you overdo your intake of caffeine. Too much caffeine can make your heart beat faster, and cause other health problems. Different people have different reactions to caffeine. One person might easily be able to drink four or five cups of coffee a day, while another person might suffer adverse effects. Scientists have also said that as caffeine can be responsible for making blood vessels grow, this can have the effect of giving more oxygen to boost cancerous tumors. So if you have been diagnosed with cancer, stay away from coffee.

    Cardiologists say that coffee may (it hasn't yet been proven) reduce arrhythmias in those who have irregular heartbeats. Coffee is not the answer, in itself, to living a long life. Everyone should exercise regularly and eat healthy food. Avoid additives and preservatives as well as food that has been sprayed with herbicides and pesticides. Eat organic produce, even if it is more expensive, if you want to improve your chances of living to a ripe old age.

    Coffee is not a panacea, but research studies have found that it can improve longevity and lower the risk of contracting certain diseases.





















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